We believe every kid deserves an education no matter their circumstance. Through education we can help kids around the world better their futures and bring them out of poverty.

The Wofa Way is a 501(c)3 foundation that was founded to help children born without ready access to a first-world education achieve their dreams. We want these children to have the opportunity to learn to read and to learn about the world around them. By providing resources and the funds necessary for children to attend school, we can help them change their paths for the better. Every kid deserves an education and to become whatever they want to be when they grow up. š

The Achiase Children's Home is an orphanage in Ghana, Africa. Kristen has spent a lot of time at this children's home over the last few years and it was the main inspiration for The Wofa Way. Profits will go to the orphanage to pay for all 30 kids to attend school every year. Their school fees include costs for their uniforms, school materials, books, boarding (food and water), and the general cost for just attending school.
